
The castle was famous for SándorTeleki’s private collection of historical memorabilia (mainly linked to the Hungarian and Italian freedom fight). After the property was nationalized, the strong and cohesive local community wanted to preserve traditions and thanks to their successful teamwork, in 1960 the Petőfi memorial room was opened.

After the change of regime in 1990, with the support of Hungarian governmental authorities and museums two additional exhibitions were completed (a memorial room of SándorTeleki and one dedicated to MórJókai’s visits in Transylvania). In 2006, the ‘BlankaTeleki’ Pensioners Club of Baia Mare/Nagybánya has created an installation in the memory of the pioneering lady of women’s education, thus from that time on, all rooms of the first floor were used for exhibitions.

In the park of the castle you can visit the Petőfi cornel tree and the artworks inaugurated in the past decades: statue of SándorPetőfi and JúliaSzendrey (created by GáborBenőPogány, 1998), bust of Count SándorTeleki (created by LászlóDinyés, 2009), bust of Franz Liszt (created by LászlóDinyés, 2011) and bust of General JozefBem(created by ÁrpádDeák, 2014).

Reopening in 2020, after the three-year-long complete restoration of the Teleki Castle supported by ERDF funds, new exhibitions will be open to the public.