The Nagybánya Landscape Painter’s Camp is managed by the Fine Arts and Cultural Assocation of Nagybánya with the mission to continue the traditions of the world famous art colony of Baia Mare. Starting in 1996, the first art camps were held in Târgu Lăpuș. From 2000 to 2019, summer sessions took place in Baia Sprie. In 2018, the closing event of the art camp was hosted in Coltău, and since then further special exhibitions were held presenting the collection works of domestic and foreign artists. In 2019, Coltău became the location of the 24th session, and the closing exhibition was opened on 15 September.
In the conference room of the restored Teleki Castle a selection of the art camp’s collection is presented.
Further information about the Nagybánya Landscape Painter’s Camp visit: